The success of your business depends on how productive and dedicated your employees are. Both employers and workers want to use their working hours in the best way, to make money and achieve business success. To do this in the best and most efficient way, you could use a little software help in the form of time-tracking tools.
These offline or online tools are a category of software that both employees and employers can benefit from. But it’s especially useful for entrepreneurs and small business owners. These handy apps allow workers to record hours spent on tasks and projects, while employers use this software to better control their teams.
In addition, the use of time-tracking software will mean a lot to you in a financial sense, because you will know how to pay employees and charge clients for your services by seeing the actual number of working hours. All in all, this app is something that can help you make better business decisions, and it also has many other benefits.
Better Payroll Handling
When you run a business, you want your money to be directed in the best possible way, so you need to know its flow, as well as how much you spend. If you have employees, their salaries are a significant expense, so you must pay special attention to that. Your workers need to be paid fairly for their work, but you must also know whether those business expenditures are justified.
If you have employees who don’t have fixed salaries but are paid by the hour, the time tracking tool will help you to keep their performance under control. Anytime they log in and out, you get a notification, so you can keep records of their working hours. At the end of the month, it should match the number of hours your workers claim in their invoice.
Using a time tracker reduces the risk of manipulation. Also, by tracking your employees and their actual presence at work, you will be able to see who is really efficient and who is just logging hours and expecting to be paid for that. Many time tracking software also features screen recorders and remote access tools with which you can have insight into not only working hours but also how that time was spent.
Exact Client Billing

Businesses that do various types of projects for clients will enjoy the many benefits of time trackers. For a start, these handy tools will help them to have insight into the efficiency of their teams’ work on specific tasks, as well as whether the deadlines set by clients have been met.
Another benefit is that monitoring the working hours means you can show the client how much you dedicated yourself to his project and, in that way, properly charge for your efforts. You can use time-tracking data to draft invoices based on tracked productivity on a certain project.
Even if you work with several clients, you can create separate worksheets for all of them. They have nothing to do with each other, which enable maximum discretion in work because only you and your employees have access to your time-tracking data. After all, why should anyone care how many hours you worked for someone else if you did the work for them before the deadline and efficiently?
Better Job Organization
If your company handles several projects, there’s a great chance that some delays and backlogs will occur. This can affect the final result and trigger client dissatisfaction. The cause of this is often poor work and time organization of your team members.
And in this case, time tracking comes to the rescue. It can help you look into project timetables and schedules, reorganize, and prioritize them. Maybe you took too big a bite and accepted too many projects whose original deadlines you cannot meet. By resetting your schedule, you can propose changes to clients and thus achieve better time management.
You can use trackers to set the estimated time your team needs for a particular task. They usually come with handy add-ons like calendars, staff allocation tools, and the ability to track each project individually. This means a lot, especially if you have different teams and individuals on different tasks related to the same project. By knowing the status of each of them, you can provide timely follow-ups to your clients.
Here’s a list of strategies that can help you manage multiple projects:
Increased Productivity

Being productive at work isn’t rocket science, but it does require more forethought when it comes to good time management. The key is to work smarter, not harder, and that’s what your employees need to apply to see the results of their work without burning out at work. On the other hand, the fact that someone is in the office from 9 to 5 doesn’t mean they spent all eight hours working effectively.
So if you want to get as much work done as possible during the day, time-tracking apps may be just what you need. By keeping an eye on how much time your employees spend on certain tasks, you can help them optimize their work. Thus, you will prevent routine and loss of motivation, which almost always results in a drop in productivity.
Higher Accountability
Apart from the fact that the use of this tool contributes to greater work productivity, it also affects the awareness of workers. As said, many of the premium software include other tracking options that give employers insight into everything their employees do at the workplace. When workers know that their activities will be monitored, they will pay more attention to what and how they do.
In this way, your employees will be accountable for their actions. Business owners who have control over what their employees do are able to react promptly to all things that can hinder job efficiency. For instance, spotting regular delays can point out to lack of good organization and the need for rescheduling. Certainly, time tracking isn’t about breathing down workers’ necks non-stop. But a certain degree of control is necessary.
Keep an Eye on Remote Workers

Nowadays, a large number of companies rely heavily on a remote workforce. Quite often, this method of employment is more efficient and profitable than having in-house staff. Still, the lack of control over remote employees can be a disadvantage. So you could use software such as time trackers in this way of doing business.
If you hire freelancers, you often “fight” for their working hours with other clients. With time trackers, you can assign them the number of work hours you want them to complete per day, week, or month, as well as the work you want them to do during that time.
You can also allow your remote workers to log their working hours independently. This app helps you avoid any guesswork and have a real insight into how much someone worked, even if they are on the other side of the world. On this link, get familiar with real benefits of hiring freelancers.
Big companies and small businesses rely on handy tools to help them keep their job up and running. With time trackers, you can achieve working transparency and efficiency, so you, your employees, and your clients will know what you’re up to.