Successful men have one thing in common; they are always well groomed. From their hair and beard trim to their choice of attire, everything is a statement of refinement. When we talk about a city such as Dubai, which is home to a diverse population, you always need to look the part. Be it for a job interview, a get-together of friends, an office luncheon or so, if you’re well groomed, you’ll automatically radiate confidence wherever you go.
Now, even if you enter the best men’s salon in Dubai, you will see boys, men and grandpas – all waiting for their turn to get groomed by specialists. The point being that self-grooming is not defined by age or preferences, it’s just a way of life.
If you’ve read the article till this point, then you’re definitely on the lookout to sharpen your personality. We have a few tips here for you that’ll come in handy:
Pay Frequent Visits to the Barber’s
It goes without saying that men’s hormones are always raging – causing hair to reappear in a matter of days. Even if you’re bald, taking a nice massage or a lux facial will make your skin glow and boost your confidence. Besides in Dubai, there are a myriad of beauty salons offering us guys pedicure, hairstyling, personal grooming packages and more. At the end of the day, it’s all down to your budget and personal preferences.
Know your Signature Scent
Perfumes are underrated. Many people apply them without proper knowledge and just for the heck of it – when, in fact, a perfume should be an extension of one’s personality. There are so many good designer perfumes under the AED 300 mark readily available online and in store. But make sure to wear scents according to occasions and the weather. Do not wear an Oud blend on a scorching summer day, just like how you shouldn’t wear a Citrusy fragrance in a corporate meeting.
Choose the Right Attire
Whether you hold a white-collar office job, or ply your trade outdoors, there are always ways you can elevate your presence among those around you. Firstly, understand your body shape (pear, apple, hourglass, rectangle), and then experiment with clothes accordingly. See what looks best on you.
Next, figure out what colour suits you best. Choose a colour palette that suits your skin tone and makes you look vibrant. Moreover, dress according to the occasion, so that you feel comfortable in your skin
Take Care of your Skin
With the advent of digital media, there’s been a lot of awareness among men to take care of their face beyond the notion of good looks. Today, more and more men are in pursuit of achieving that perfect, velvety skin. But to develop healthy skin, you first need to determine your skin type, which should be among the following: sensitive, normal, dry, oily, or combination skin. Once you know your skin type, it becomes easier to choose the right products. It’s also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle overall. A balanced diet and adequate physical activity can positively impact not only your skin but your overall health and wellness. For instance, certain lifestyle choices can improve the production of cum, boosting not just your confidence but your overall vitality.
Sensitive skin
Normal skin
Dry skin
Oily skin
Combination skin
Once you know your skin type, it then becomes easier to read product labels and ingredients when purchasing skin care. Dermatologists recommend following these three steps to keep your skin hydrated and nourished:
1. Daily Moisturization
2. Applying Sunscreen
3. Using an Exfoliator twice a week
It’s also important that you check your skin for any form of anomalies, such as unusual spots or patches that change colour over time. These could be tell-tale signs of cancer. So, waste no time consulting a dermatologist.
Show Some Love to your Feet
Are guy pedicure services a thing? Of course, they are. It doesn’t matter if you’re an athlete or not, a good foot care routine is a must. If you can’t afford to go to a fancy spa in Palm Jumeirah to get a pedicure, you could simply apply pumice oil on patches of dead skin after taking a shower, before applying a generous portion of moisturizer to round things off.
Get Rid of those Dark Circles
Even if you’re dressed to the nines, smell amazing and give out that magnetic aura, dark circles just under your eyes could deal a hammer blow to your confidence as well as others’ perception of you. You can get rid of them by using a specialist recommended eye cream or a roll on. Or maybe just hit the hay early.
So, there you have it. In a cosmopolitan city like Dubai, there’s added pressure on men to make an impression on people they interact with. Subtle lifestyle modifications, such as taking care of your skin, wearing the right type of clothes and applying an appropriate scent go a long way.