For every artist, including DJ’s it is hard to allocate time for promotion in your daily busy life. However, it is one of the essential parts of your career. Let’s consider tips on how to be successful.
Attend Live Parties
Another way, which helps to promote your music is to be included in different parties at clubs or other venues. Promotional companies usually organize parties, which have not only famous and well-known DJs but also new ones. Such parties can be an excellent opportunity for young DJs to play their music among the most famous DJs. Their fans may become your audience, and also you can take advantage of networking opportunities. You may make connections with people who may help you in your future career.
Make Videos
Videos that share the experience with the audience can always be an excellent way to promote the music. For example, you can share a guide on how you created electronic dance music and share details. Or you can create a contest between your fans, and encourage them to make videos on your sound. It will help to spread your music, and hence more people will start listening to it.
You can also make series, and once a week, post the next series on your channel. The audience may be interested, and you’ll notice how each next time, there is more excitement in your series. In addition to everything mentioned above, these videos may also create a warm connection between you and your students.
Social Media Platforms
In the 21st century, everyone uses social media platforms, and it is not a secret that every artist should be present in all the media. Social media is an excellent tool for gaining and increasing the audience and for promoting your music. You can post your music there, and millions of people will listen to it and share it with others.
Instagram, TikTok, Facebook are a couple of main channels that you should consider in your strategy. TikTok trends are helping the music to go viral in a brief period, so make sure to take advantage of it. Work with different influencers so that they start talking about your music and promoting it.
But besides all the platforms mentioned above, we would like to put a particular emphasis on YouTube. Open your channel and start to promote your music with the help of YouTube. Post music about the release, behind-the-scenes videos, and overall about your musical journey. Also, the comment section on YouTube helps you understand what people are thinking about your music and interact with them.
Use Banners, Flyers, and Posters
In this digital world, sometimes, the power of banners, posters, and flyers may be underrated. However, you should pay attention to it, as usually when people are in traffic, they read the banners hanging on the street. Or if you have a piece of new music coming, or a concert, you can turn the posters all over the city, to make sure that people are aware of it. Pay attention to the design of banners and posters, as it should be catchy so that people passing notice it.
Flyers also can be an option for promotion. However, there is an opinion that it is a waste of resources. People usually throw it away, so if you are planning to make sure that you distribute them in places where people may be interested in electronic dance music(for example, clubs).
So, even if you have a hard time allocating your time to promotional activities, then we highly advise you to have a special team or company for doing your promotion. The positive outcome will be visible to you after some time, and in a short period, your electronic dance music will gain a lot of attention. Good luck in your journey!
Pay Attention to the Promotion!