The idea of incorporating LED strip lights into the home decor may have been something. The decorative possibilities of LED strips for indoor and outdoor spaces are endless. The undisputed star of light decoration, this type of lighting can be used to mark the steps of a staircase or the paths of a garden, to enhance a piece of furniture or a dressing room, to accentuate the relaxing atmosphere of a bedroom or a living room, to illuminate an advertising screen or the window of a shop, etc. However, it is necessary to choose the model of LED strips adapted to the space to be decorated in terms of light output, colour temperature, supply voltage, and protection index.
Ideas to use the LED Light
LED strips are often installed under wall cabinets and consoles to make this area stand out excellently, modern without making it too bright. For example, this set pays homage to the direct focus here. There are no strict rules for LED strips, but some areas are most used.
A great way to highlight beautiful decorations with LED strip lights
Another commonplace for LED light strips is kitchen. Here they are usually installed under wall cabinets to provide work lighting for counters and preparation areas.
Another option is to attach the LED strip to the back of the furniture unit to look as if the Light is coming from behind. In this case, it may be interesting to use colored LEDs. In this regard you may contact with
• LED strips work well on open shelves. They focus on what you are showing there, and it can be cool and even give the decoration a slightly dramatic look.
• It is not common to install LED light strips vertically rather than horizontally. The effect is unexpected and can be much more exciting and noticeable when this happens.
• Light strips can highlight specific architectural or design details in the home. For example, you can highlight the ceiling or highlight the geometric shape of a furniture element.
•. You can also mount the LED strip under the cabinet to project the Light on the sp and disk.
• LED strips can also be attached to the exterior walls of your home to define specific architectural features or create simple, modern lighting at night. Patio, bag, and terrace are all excellent options. It’s primarily about looks, but you also need to consider that LED lights are very energy efficient.
• You can also include streaks of Light in planters and garden benches to create a lovely fairy-tale atmosphere or complement their design with soft, comfortable accent lighting.
How does an LED strip work?
After you have attached the LED strip to the desired location, it must be supplied with power. This happens with a mains plug via the socket or a USB cable. Then what happens? There are conductive tracks on the flexible carrier strip that transmit the current to the individual LED lamps. You can then make the personalized settings either by remote control or app. Depending on the model, the controller communicates with the LED strip, for example, via infrared or via W-LAN.
Did you know: LED lamps are considerably more efficient than most conventional Light sources – up to 80%. They convert 95% of their energy into light and only 5% into heat. Of course, this lower heat development also has other advantages because the lamps do not get hot even after long periods of operation. In addition, LEDs last six times longer than some other Light sources and therefore do not need to be replaced as frequently.
How long can an LED strip be?
So that the LED strip gets enough power over its entire length, it must not be too long. As a rule, LED strips only achieve maximum light generation up to a height of 5 meters. Depending on which type of LED strip you use, a length of up to 15 meters is also possible without performance loss. If the LED strip loses power due to its size, someone competent can split the light strip and attach additional power cables.
We are completely convinced of LED strips for everyday use or as a party decoration. They immediately make a lavish and exclusive impression without costing a fortune when used. They are environmentally friendly, durable, and highly flexible in use. For example, indirect lighting creates a wonderful atmosphere in every room. Even the length can be adjusted exactly to the desired application. Most of them also come with numerous setting colors, effects, and affect speed options.