Disney’s Encanto is a magical musical adventure that follows the Madrigal family, who live in a hidden valley where each member has a unique gift. However, one of them, Mirabel, is the only one without a gift. She feels left out and unworthy of her family’s legacy, until she discovers that the magic that protects their home is in danger. She embarks on a quest to save the magic, and along the way, she learns more about her family’s secrets and her own identity.
One of the most intriguing questions that fans have about Mirabel is whether she is adopted or not. Some online theories suggest that Mirabel is not related to the Madrigals by blood, and that’s why she doesn’t have a gift. They claim that her parents found and adopted her when she was a baby, and lied to her about her origins. They also point out some physical differences between Mirabel and her siblings, such as her hair color and eye shape.
However, these theories are not supported by any official sources or evidence from the movie. In fact, the movie clearly shows that Mirabel is the biological daughter of Julieta and Agustín Madrigal, and the youngest sister of Isabela and Luisa. She was born in Casa Madrigal, the enchanted house that grants gifts to the Madrigals. She also shares some traits with her parents and siblings, such as her skin tone and nose shape.
The reason why Mirabel doesn’t have a gift is not because she is adopted, but because she was born at a time when the magic was weakening. As explained by Alma, the matriarch of the family, the magic was given to them by a miracle candle as a reward for saving their ancestors from a violent attack. However, the candle has been slowly fading over the years, and its flame almost went out when Mirabel was born. This caused her to be born without a gift, and also put the magic at risk of disappearing forever.
Mirabel’s lack of a gift is not a sign of her being less special or less worthy than her family. On the contrary, it is a sign of her being the chosen one who can restore the magic and heal the family’s wounds. Mirabel’s true gift is her courage, compassion, and creativity, which allow her to see beyond the surface and connect with others. She is also the new source of the magic, as she inherits the miracle candle from Alma at the end of the movie.
Mirabel’s story is not about finding out if she is adopted or not, but about finding out who she really is and what she can do. She is not defined by her gift or lack thereof, but by her actions and choices. She is a true Madrigal, who loves her family and embraces her heritage. She is also a true hero, who saves the day and inspires others with her song.
Mirabel is not adopted. She is amazing.