If you have just decided to start working out at home on your own, it is not easy to formulate an effective workout routine, especially if you are a beginner. You can always use the internet to figure out a few ready-made workout routines. We strongly recommend you to start with the basics. Here we at Gymnation have listed an easy workout routine that can do wonders to improve your fitness.
1. Stretching:
You should always start your session with a few stretches. Your muscles will be stiff, which needs to be loosened before the workout session, or else there is a higher probability that you will get an injury. Stretching should be done post-workout session, especially if you have done resistance training so that the muscles you have worked so hard flex right. If you forget stretching post-workout, you will have to deal with muscles cramps.
2. Warm Up and Slow Down:
Before you get into an intense routine, you need to warm up your body by doing slow cardio, such as marching on the spot. This will gradually increase your body temperature and avoid any sudden shock. Once you finish working out, you need to slowly bring down the body temperature, the same way by slowing down the workout.
3. Resistance Training:
The main part of the workout routine which should be prioritized is resistance training. Using a few dumbbells and a resistance band, this can be done at home. You need to work your muscles by adding exercises that use these simple equipment. You can also do free-style exercises such as squats and lunges to make your muscles work. Add this training into the routine thrice a week. Ensure you do it on alternate days so that you get rest every other day. Your muscles need to rest and recover.
4. Cardio:
Mainly focus on cardio after strength training, as it helps reduce muscle cramps that strength training can cause. This happens because when you work your muscles’ lard, lactic acid is generated, which causes muscle pain. Cardio helps burn the lactic acid, hence reducing these muscle cramps. This one should be done every day, as it is a high-intensity workout. You can always take a long walk or jog as you do not have cardio machines at home. If you want to do some indoor exercises, you can begin with spot jogging, aerobics, etc.
5. Core Exercise:
At last, you cannot ignore the core workout. Core workout helps you balance your body better and strengthens you from within. Plank is considered one of the best exercises for the core that you can easily do at home with some practice.
The Bottom Line:
The pandemic has forced many of us to stick to working out from home. If you are finding it tough to motivate yourself to do this on your own, you can always join an online workout session that has become really popular after the pandemic outbreak. This way, you will have an expert to guide and motivate you.