When preparing to go to college, there are many things to think about. Transportation is a huge one to mull over. Do you need a vehicle while attending college or do you just want one? Remember, there will be costs associated with a car like gas, insurance, and (sometimes) parking fees. You need to do your research and weigh the pros and cons of owning a car while being at school. This article will explore some important information that will make your decision easier.
Many times, students who are bound for college are still financially reliant on their families. If that’s the case, compromise will be needed when picking out a car. You’ll need to balance the wants of the student with what the family can reasonably afford. Also, a lot of colleges require students to have parking permits and they don’t always have enough parking space to accommodate every student. That’s why many freshman students aren’t allowed to bring a car.
Insurance is a large factor in the cost of owning a vehicle. The price you pay is determined by many things like your location, driving record, annual mileage, and more. Don’t be afraid to look around for the best coverage available.
The cost of fuel is another expense to factor into your budget. Depending on oil pricing, gasoline prices are constantly changing. Make sure to look for vehicles that have good fuel economy, especially if you’re working with a smaller budget. Although, it might be worth mentioning looking into a hybrid electric vehicle since that will save you on some jaunts to the gas station. Since HEVs typically cost more money than traditional gas-fueled vehicles, a used one might be the optimal choice.
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Other Factors
Safety should be at the forefront of your mind when buying a car. This goes for everyone and not just college students. The more current the model of the vehicle, the more safety and driver assist elements you’ll encounter including things like automatic braking in emergencies, and blind spot monitoring. With the advancement in technology, there are some great safety features like voice recognition and commands. You can control your music or heating and cooling levels without averting your eyes from the road. There are also numerous charging and connectivity options that students will love.
If a used car is what you’re looking for, buy a 2013 model or above. This was the year when antilock brakes, stability, and traction control became an American government mandate. By 2018, cars were guaranteed to have a backup camera.
What other features should you look for in your college vehicle? Do you require a lot of storage? Would a four-door be better than a two-door model? You must remember that this car might go from college to your first job after graduation.
Benefits of Having a Vehicle at College
Owning a vehicle can be very convenient when you are at college, especially if you don’t want to deal with public transportation. Taking a bus can mean lugging around your stuff and waiting long periods. The benefit of having a car is the space in your trunk as well as the extra seating. If you need to do a quick errand, driving yourself is easier. You won’t have to bug the people in your life for a ride anywhere. You have the freedom to go where you want when you want to.
The other advantage to having a vehicle at college is that you can travel long distances as well. Want to go somewhere over the holidays? You can go back home or drive miles away if you want to. Road trips will be a breeze.
Disadvantages of Having a Vehicle at College
As mentioned previously, parking can be a bit of a hassle on college grounds. You might need parking permits, it’s pricey, and the ramps and parking area can be quite crowded.
You might become the designated driver or the “person with a vehicle”. School friends might ask for a lift all the time. This might become a hardship if they don’t offer up any fuel or parking money. You came to school to learn, not become a chauffeur.
In Conclusion
It’s not just the price tag of the vehicle, the overall cost of everything associated with owning a car can be pricey. Then, do students need a car while attending college? This will come down to the student in question. There are benefits and disadvantages as well as factoring in the actual school itself. How is the parking situation on campus? Is public transportation more viable for you? Some students prefer not to have a car with them at college because they rarely leave campus or their family is too far away to drive there easily.
You can always use your first year at school to investigate. Research, and ask friends and students (with vehicles) what they think about having a car at college. This can help you greatly with your decision-making. Ultimately, in the end, it comes down to what will work best for you.