Tax debt can seriously strain your finances, preventing you from living the life you want. Resolving your tax debt could push you to bankruptcy considering the penalties you incur from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a consequence of your debt. In some cases, you could end up losing your business or personal assets. All is not gloom and doom, though. You can contact IRS tax relief companies to help you gradually settle your debt without too much pressure from the IRS or even have it eliminated. According to, these are some of the most effective agencies to assist you in achieving the above. Here are a few ways these companies can help eliminate your tax debt.
Former IRS Employees
Reputable tax relief companies, in most cases, will have tax veterans, including tax lawyers and former IRS employees. Such personnel fully understand the dynamics of tax collection. Owing to their experience and vast tax knowledge, they are better placed to help you negotiate a favorable tax settlement, such as an Offer in Compromise. Their extensive knowledge enables them to identify loopholes you may not find if you were to try and settle such matters on your own. They utilize such opportunities to help you reduce your tax burden.
Negotiate on Your Behalf
Negotiating with the IRS is a challenging process. It might take you months to get a simple application approved. If you are looking to apply for items such as Offer in Compromise (OIC), you may need the services of a professional to take you through the process to save you time, money, and frustration. Though it is a process you can do yourself, it is usually too time-consuming that you will not manage to spare the same from your daily schedule. An OIC provision in the IRS enables you to pay less than what you owe the tax agency. However, there are conditions that you must fulfill for you to qualify for the same.
Help Stop Back-tax Collection
Penalties or interests can weigh you down significantly if you already have a hefty tax balance. Such fees strain your income and might sink you into further debt. Tax relief companies can help negotiate on your behalf to reduce or lessen such penalties in their entirety. If you find the right tax professionals, they have genuine links and connections to reach out to the right personnel and negotiate on your behalf. You can also reach these people, but it could take a lot of time before you get an appointment.
Help Protect Your Assets and Income
If you fall back on the same, the IRS always finds a way to force you to pay your taxes. Some common ways the agency can get taxes from you are asset seizure and wage garnishment. The latter involves the IRS legally compelling your employer to withhold a portion of your wages to settle your tax debt. The former is when the IRS legally seizes your personal or business assets to sell them to recover their debt. Tax relief companies have knowledge and experience in preventing this from happening by negotiating less burdening payment plans. The professionals are much aware of options you could use to avoid such severe measures that you may not be privy to.
Help You Set Up a Payment Plan
When you are under pressure to pay your debts, you could be confused and fail to manage your finances properly. In such situations, you could end up paying for desperate services in an effort to find solutions to your problems. You could end up getting deeper in debt if you fail to manage your resources properly. In such a situation, tax relief companies can create a financial plan for you to help you know what to pay and how to pay. Such a plan will ensure you spend only on necessities and direct the rest to clear your taxes and other debts.
Help Clean Your Credit Report
Your credit report is vital to your well-being. Without a sound or positive credit rating, you will find it extremely difficult to acquire some of life’s necessities. Since wages are sometimes inconsistent, it is vital to have a report that allows you to take necessary items on credit and pay for them later. Since a heavy tax debt is one of the items that could affect your credit report, you must ensure the debt does not affect your rating. Tax relief companies are the best option to work with to achieve such a feat.