What Is A VPAT?
A VPAT, or Voluntary Product Accessibility Template, is a document that offers businesses a common basis for undertaking a comprehensive analysis of their information and communication technology (ICT) product or service’s conformance to the established accessibility requirements for making the products and services usable by people with disabilities.
The Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), in partnership with the General Services Administration (GSA), developed the VPAT. The template assists manufacturers and vendors of ICT products and services to determine and document how closely their products and services conform to each of the recognized accessibility standards.
The development of the VPAT template followed Congress’ amendment to the Rehabilitation Act requiring federal agencies to make their EIT accessible to people with disabilities regardless of whether they work for the federal government or not.
Federal agencies, therefore, require vendors of ICT products and services to provide evidence of the accessibility of their products and services as part of the procurement processes. This evidence is sometimes referred to as “VPAT accessibility.”
When filled out or completed, the VPAT becomes an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR). An ACR enables contracting officials and procurement teams to assess how an ICT product or service supports accessibility. It also enables product and service manufacturers and/or vendors to develop a record about how well their products and services meet the relevant accessibility standards or guidelines.
The ACR becomes a representation of how a given ICT product or service conforms to the relevant accessibility standards and guidelines. Generating an ACR for an ICT product or service and making the document publicly accessible are what forms the hallmark of VPAT compliance.
What Is VPAT Compliance?
VPAT compliance refers to the use of a VPAT form to clearly document how an ICT product or service conforms to each of the fundamental accessibility requirements. According to ADACP, VPAT compliance helps make ICT products and services compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). An ADA VPAT provides as much detail and specificity as possible to illuminate the many nuances of an ICT product or service that contribute to its overall level of accessibility compliance.
The Accessibility Requirements That Underpin The VPAT
Apart from the ADA, the Revised Section 508 Accessibility Standards, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), and the European Union’s EN 301 549 standards for publicly accessible ICT in Europe underpin the VPAT document.
Who Needs VPAT Compliance?
For ICT businesses in the U.S., Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act may appear to apply only directly to federal agencies. However, any private entity seeking to do business with the federal government or receive federal funding must also demonstrate Section 508 compliance.
This means that all businesses and organizations governed directly or indirectly by the Revised Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act are required to complete or update their VPAT ACRs for their products or services.
These businesses and organizations include all U.S. federal agencies, any government agency like a state, county, or municipal jurisdiction that receives financial aid from the U.S. federal government, charities, learning institutions, healthcare providers, and federal contractors and suppliers.
Beyond the revised Section 508 accessibility requirements, many states, local governments, and corporations have adopted the WCAG in lieu of the federally mandated Section 508 requirements. An increasing number of large businesses and organizations are also requiring those they do business with to have up-to-date VPAT ACRs that show how their products and services comply with Section 508, WCAG, or the EU’s EN 301 549.
Organizations and corporations seeking to do business with any public agency in the United States and many governments worldwide, or with agencies that may serve those governments, should anticipate the need for an updated VPAT ACR for their digital offerings.
Need Help With Completing or Updating Your VPAT?
A good VPAT ACR will herald improved business prospects for your company as it helps buyers make informed decisions on whether to buy your products or services or those of your competitors. Your reputation as a company that is committed to accessibility will also increase when you have good-quality ACRs for your products and services.
Creating such compelling VPAT ACRs requires help from an experienced third-party agency. For assistance with VPAT compliance, talk to ADACP at (626) 486-2201 to arrange a consultation. Consultations are always free!