Treatments For Bipolar Disorder For Teens

Bipolar disorder is a psychological problem where the patient experiences a noticeable shift in mood and energy. They often go through a manic episode where they seem hyperactive, followed by a depressive episode. 

It is troubling to diagnose the problem as most mental health problems come with behavioral and mood shifts. Mood swings associated with the concern are not always as drastic as it shows in pop culture. 

As CBD has anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects, many think it can help manage the symptoms. Let us see if CBD edibles at can help treat the disorder. 

What are the treatment options for bipolar disorder?

It is a mental health disorder that requires lifelong treatment and self-care. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, a combination of medication and psychotherapy works best for adults and teens.

Psychotherapy is the only way to go to the roots of the problem and seek coping strategies and long-term symptom management. It helps you stabilize during the talk therapy sessions. Your doctors might hook you up with some antipsychotics and mood stabilizers to manage the situation.

Nutritional interventions have shown promising results in treating the disorder. A trial suggested that dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids can effectively reduce the occurrence of manic and depressive episodes and enhance executive functioning. Broad-spectrum nutrients work well for children and pre-teens.

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a chronic mental health disease that causes disruptive changes in energy states and mood. Typically, young adults and teens are their victims, but also children can have this issue. Diagnosing the concern may include steps like,

Physical examinations:

Your physician might suggest running a few blood tests and physical tests to rule out other health issues.

Psychiatric assessment:

A psychologist or psychiatrist might talk to you about feelings, thoughts, behavior, and emotions. They might ask you to fill out a questionnaire or a self-assessment form. Doctors might also ask your family or friends some questions with your permission.

Mood chart:

Your doctors may ask you to track your mood swings, sleep patterns, or energy levels. These will help them with the diagnosis and finding a suitable treatment option.

The American Psychiatric Association has published the criteria for bipolar or other related disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Your doctors will evaluate you by comparing your symptoms with the manual.

The symptoms of this disorder and other mood disorders in children are mostly similar. So, try to get a second opinion before starting a treatment plan. The patient must be comfortable with their healthcare provider.

What is CBD?

CBD or cannabidiol is a plant chemical or cannabinoid you can find in cannabis plants. It is famous among users for having many therapeutic benefits with no psychoactive effects. So, it is a suitable choice for people who want to enjoy the benefits of marijuana but do not want to get high.

Does CBD help manage bipolar disorder?

CBD has many therapeutic benefits, so it is a famous organic health supplement among users. It has analgesic properties that can ease chronic pain. It also has mood-boosting properties that help you deal with a stressful day.

Many people with anxiety, depression, and other stress-related disorders have reported significant improvement after using the drug. In lower dosages, the drug can elevate your energy levels and fight fatigue, and in higher dosages, it will make you feel sleepy and improve your sleep quality.

As people with bipolar disorder suffer from mood swings, depression, and insomnia, many think using CBD might help control the severity of the symptoms. But we do not have much information about how the drug affects bipolar patients. Moreover, the available evidence does not support the idea that it helps treat the illness.

In a recent review of 2020, CBD has shown promising results in reducing the symptoms of mental health concerns like social anxiety and schizophrenia. But the outcomes of bipolar disorder were not that successful. They described it as weak and needing more research. Many reviews in the past 2 or 3 years pointed out there is not much evidence proving the efficiency of CBD for the illness. There are no clinical trials right now, and studies and research about the topic are scarce.

In a 2008 case study, two people with the disorder took CBD while experiencing manic episodes. They were also undergoing inpatient therapy. The report stated the drug was not beneficial for manic episodes, but it did not trigger any side effects. As CBD has antidepressant effects, many researchers have suggested a study on the efficiency of the drug on depressive episodes. The notable point here is that this is a report from a decade ago, and there are no newer reports on the topic. So, there is an extreme lack of evidence to conclude if CBD can help with the treatment.

How does CBD work in your body?

Our body has an endocannabinoid system, or ECS, complex cell-signaling system. Endocannabinoids, enzymes, and hormones are closely related to the system. Our body produces endocannabinoids naturally. Anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglyerol (2-AG) are two popular endocannabinoids. And they bind with CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors.

These chemical compounds activate ECS, which controls numerous bodily functions. Enzymes break down the endocannabinoids after finishing their work. The system has an influence over,

  • Metabolism
  • Appetite
  • Mood
  • Memory
  • Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Sleep
  • Stress
  • Immune response
  • Focus

We do not have any clear information about how the drug interacts with the ECS. CBD is a cannabinoid, and it can influence the cannabinoid receptors. It might bind with the receptors or inhibit the enzymes from breaking down the endocannabinoids. CBD works better with the presence of other cannabinoids due to the entourage effect. So, many people prefer to use full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD over isolate. 

Can you take CBD along with your bipolar disorder medicines?

Overall, CBD has an impressive safety profile. But it can trigger side effects primarily. Some of its risks include, 

  • Dry mouth and dry eyes
  • Appetite changes
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Diarrhea
  • Mood disruption

However, the Food and Drug Association of the US suggests that pregnant and breastfeeding mothers stay away from these products. 

It can interact with certain medications and disrupt their course of action, especially if your medicines come with a Grapefruit warning. Like grapefruit, the drug can also affect the enzymes in your liver and mess up the way the pills interact with your body. 

Many antipsychotics, antidepressants, and mood stabilizers have the warning. So, try not to use CBD with them. If you want to give CBD a shot to improve your condition, try consulting your healthcare providers first. 

We do not recommend replacing your medicines or taking them along with CBD without the supervision of your doctors. It may or may not be feasible for you. Unfortunately, we do not have enough evidence to reach a verdict yet. The treatment plan generally includes medicines with talk therapy in an inpatient or outpatient environment. You can also use a few self-care strategies to maintain a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle.