According to recent statistical studies, up to 91% of companies with more than 10 employees use CRM solutions on an ongoing basis. This fact is not surprising, since in the era of overwhelming digital transformation it is just impossible to do without reliable customer relationship management software.
Often present-day business owners lean toward bespoke CRM systems. So let’s find out what are the benefits of CRM solutions that are made to order!
#1 Improve Your Scalability Opportunities
First things first, custom solutions differ from their off-the-shelf counterparts in that they are much easier to adjust depending on business needs. Your company is growing and the business landscape is constantly transforming, so obviously sooner or later the CRM application will no longer meet your business requirements.
For example, you might want to revamp the user interface a bit or add a brand-new feature. With a bespoke app, all you need to do is get in touch with a software company that can find a solution to your problem without a hitch. At the same time, off-the-shelf CRM systems are not as flexible, and changing them can be a real headache for you.
#2 Get Truly Unique Software
At Fively, we often see clients come to us, craving to get a CRM solution that will be tailored specifically to the niche that the company occupies. Just as professional athletes rely on made-to-measure sports outfits, up-and-coming companies rely on bespoke CRM software.
Developing a CRM system from scratch is the right decision for those business owners that know what specific tool they need to achieve even greater success. By the way, the statistically average ROI rate for a CRM suite is approximately $8.71 for every $1 spent on it.
#3 Do Not Pay Through the Nose
The issue of money is always fairly acute, especially in the early years of almost any company. However, every cent invested in creating your CRM application is worth it, and here’s why.
In the long run, building your own solution will be more profitable, because you pay only once and use the software until it’s time to upgrade it. Whereas SaaS solutions will require you to purchase a license every year or even a premium subscription for the CRM suite to satisfy all your business needs.
#4 Protect Your Private Data
A high level of security can be added to the list of undeniable CRM benefits. There is hardly a business that is willing to compromise its customers’ data. At least, for this reason, you can seriously think about developing your own CRM suite.
By adopting a custom CRM system, business owners can be completely sure that access to personal data is kept safe. In addition, unique systems are less desirable and much more difficult prey for hackers.
#5 Exercise Personal Approach to Each Client
All modern business stands on a pillar called an individual approach. Clients expect some personal touch and desire a flawless customer experience. It is incredibly difficult to please each and every client, so this goal seems to be almost unattainable. However, customer relationship management software brings us as close to this grade of service as possible.
In turn, custom solutions are designed taking into account all the features of your particular business, including the way you keep up communication with your customers. Based on your business needs, engineers could create a neatly tailored set of tools that would help you streamline your business workflows.
There are plenty of client tracking software solutions to streamline the process.
#6 Take Advantage of Statistical Tools
In a nutshell, business administration is a constant analysis of your mistakes and adjustment of your strategy in accordance with the conclusions drawn. Reliable help in this matter can be statistical tools. By the way, they can also be integrated into the CRM application to track the most important variables.
If you decide to develop a custom software solution, then the developers will be able to implement any statistical modules that you need. For example, with the help of such tools, you can track the lead-to-customer conversion rates, perform customer profiling, monitor the effectiveness of individual sales representatives, and so on.
Do I Need a Custom CRM System?
The development of a bespoke CRM solution is an important step in the life cycle of any company. There is no doubt that getting such software is a real step up for your business. Even if at first glance the benefits of such an investment seem insignificant, in the long term, a tailored CRM platform will be able to reach its full potential.
We can definitely recommend custom CRM software to those well-established companies that for some reason still bypass the development of their own solution. This software suite would come in handy and could help your employees communicate more effectively with customers, which in turn might give you a leg up on the market.