When it comes to social media platforms, it’s all about knowing how to use the tools provided by social media for the benefit of your business. For greater effectiveness of the chosen platform, you need to know the options offered by the tool.
Let’s find out the social media hacks which will take your business to the next level. Each social media platform offers specific, powerful options to give you an edge as a marketer.
Power Editor
If you are already using Facebook Power Editor, you know that you can create ads with it. While it is mostly used to scale ads, Facebook Power Editor can be effectively used to customize organic posts.
The customization that most marketers use is editing the meta description, the headline, or the featured image for a link that has been posted. There is a lot more you can do with Power Editor.
The call to action or CTA button can be added to your post. Apart from this, the display link can also be edited. Instead of just having your website linked, you can add more relevant information about the post or change the wording for your call to action.
Facebook users might confuse your organic posts with sponsored ads as the features you provide are usually found in such advertisements. While this will not create a problem for you, your copy and creative should be designed so that your post does not appear like an ad.
Find out how you can optimize your audience engagement through the Facebook ad templates infograph. This will help you design Facebook video ads that draw the attention of the target audience and help you get a higher market share.
Dragging and Dropping Images
This social media platform also allows dragging and dropping of images. It makes looking for files faster.
Uploading Videos
You should directly post a video on Facebook. The video automatically plays on the user’s feed. This will lead to better engagement.
YouTube Videos
If downloading a YouTube video and uploading it on your Facebook page seems challenging, there is a hack for this.
You choose the Video Manager option on your YouTube Channel. There is a list from which you need to select the download MP4 option.
If you don’t have specific parameters in mind, you will have a tough time finding Twitter users. The hack for this challenge would be the Unfollowers, an application programming interface, or API.
You can feed in the parameters you are looking for in Unfollowers and get the results you are looking for.
Unfollowers can also be used to unfollow inactive accounts, remove spambots, and discover which users have unfollowed you.
Using Emojis
Use emojis when it comes to communication on twitter because there is a character limit of 140 words. While your mobile phone is emoji-enabled, when you are handling more than one twitter account on your desktop, you can use the Twitter tool, HootSuite. Emojis can also be copy/pasted from sites like Get Emoji.
Tracking Brand Mentions
You can track your brand mentions by going to Twitter Search if users mention you, but don’t use your handle. When you enter your brand name, you will see the top feed tab first. The next tab is a live feed.
Tweeting Instagram Images
When it comes to tweeting Instagram images on Twitter, don’t do it directly from Instagram.
Sharing Videos
Like Facebook, directly uploading the videos on Twitter instead of a YouTube link is a better choice. With autoplay, the video has a more significant impact on the user.
Posting Updates With >500 Characters
Posting updates on LinkedIn is sometimes a challenge because there is a 500-character limit for every update. The hack for this would be a URL shortener, which gives you a lower character count. There are multiple options for you, like Google or HootSuite.
Standalone Images
If you want high-quality customer engagement, post the image without the link snippet—another simple hack for great results.
Formatting Posts
For really impacting Google+ posts, there are some simple hacks. Using an asterisk symbol * before and after the text will give you a bold font, the underscore key, or ‘_’ can be used for italics and the hyphen symbol or ‘-‘ for strikethrough.
Google and YouTube Connection
Google and YouTube are connected, so sharing a YouTube Link on Google+ means the YouTube comments section will show that caption. This is a message to other users that your video is popular.
Instagram can be used to improve business productivity in different ways. You can use Instagram to share the culture of your company, and it can be used to promote content you can use instagram hastag analytics to check which topics are popular.
The Iconosquare feature of Instagram helps you search for specific parameters, has built-in analytics, and is an excellent tool for customer engagement.
You can check the most-liked posts, analyze when your target audience reviews your posts and the days on which your posts are seen. The Instagram filter, which is liked the most, can also be verified.
Layout App
Improving the look of your feed means higher engagement from your target audience. A lot depends on the images and videos you choose.
Downloading the Layout App for Instagram will help you schedule your pictures better. Planning and curating your photographs can be done professionally.
Video editors are a great way to compile different media into an impacting finished product. There are a lot of options to choose from if you are looking for the best free video editor.
Clickable Links
You can place links that can be clicked at either your bio on Instagram or with Instagram Advertising. However, for someone new on Instagram, Like2Buy is an excellent option. If you have this link on your web page, users can access your Instagram page for shopping.
Use Social Media To Grow Your Business
For taking your business to new heights, social media is indispensable. You will get the best visibility for your business, and with the tools mentioned above, you can optimize your presence.
According to your business needs, you can use any one platform or multiple platforms to promote your product or service. Choose wisely and unlock the potential of social media for higher growth.