Before you sit down to write, you should have an idea of what you’ll be writing about.
Professional writers realize there are numerous processes involved in the essay-writing process, yet novice writers may simply sit down and start typing without any preparation.
In other words, before you start typing, you should have an idea of what you want to convey. Making an outline before you start writing will help you focus on your subject and develop a strong argument.
Your outline should be a rough draft of your essay, including the introduction (containing your thesis), the body (which should have distinct paragraphs that offer your primary supporting ideas with lots of evidence and examples), and the conclusion (which ties everything together and connects the argument back to your thesis). For more info, please visit
Possessing a firm grasp on fundamentals of grammar, punctuation, and style
Essay writing requires a firm knowledge of grammar, punctuation, and style fundamentals before moving on to more advanced topics. Without these writing basics, you risk being misunderstood or having your ideas dismissed out of hand.
Subject-verb agreement, proper article and pronoun usage, and coherent sentence construction are all examples of fundamental grammar skills. Be sure you understand how to correctly employ the most frequent types of punctuation. Know when to use a comma and when to use a period.
Last but not least, the writer’s voice is crucial in an academic essay. Use the simplest, clearest words you can. Do not use meaningless transition phrases or excessive detail that will only serve to weaken your argument.
Additionally, try to avoid using the passive voice in favour of the active (e.g., “this study found” instead of “it was found by this study”). With this approach, the tone of your essay will be straightforward.
Find the Appropriate Words
Particularly when writing an academic essay, the way you utilise words matters. Keep in mind that you want to convince your reader that you know what you’re talking about while writing an academic essay.
Overcompensating with fancy vocabulary in written communication seldom succeeds in making the writer seem more knowledgeable than they really are.
When you use a term without knowing its precise definition, you run the danger of making a mistake. It’s not a sign of weakness to double-check; doing so might prevent an awkward misuse of words down the road.
You should think twice before reaching for a thesaurus to find a replacement for a suitable term since using obscure language might also diminish the clarity of your argument.
Learn to Dissect the Argument and Evaluate the Supporting Material
The essential point of your essay should remain front and center while you write. If you go off on a tangent on a fascinating aside, you risk diluting the focus of your work and losing your reader.
It’s important to always ask yourself whether the evidence you’re using in your essay is helping you prove your point. If “no,” then it’s generally best to disregard that piece of evidence.
Be skeptical and thorough when you assess the evidence. If you want your theory to hold water, you need to employ solid evidence. Simply providing evidence to back up an argument is insufficient. A competent writer also provides context for the evidence they use.