Odds and Ends: Decoding the Current Wave of Gambling Rules in Australia

Gambling has captured the interest of Australians for decades. The activity has become even more popular with the advent of online casinos and bookmakers. Such sites made the activity easily accessible – with a computer or mobile device and an internet connection, placing stakes is a breeze. 

However, there are dark sides, and to prevent players from falling prey, the government established a few rules. This piece walks you through the protection framework, providing in-depth details you should know about gambling in Australia.

Statistics on Gambling Participation in the Australian Adult Population

The Australian Gambling Research Centre conducted a survey in 2022 to study how the country’s adults placed wagers. The study also reflected the harm that betting activities could cause to citizens. This survey was done through an online general community panel. In 2023, AGRC published its findings.

According to the metrics, about 73% of Australians who are 18 years old or older have spent money on gambling products. This data is based on their activities in 2022. 

The most popular among people were lotteries and scratch cards, with 64% of participants taking part. Race betting, which includes horse, greyhound, and harness racing, came in second with 39% participation. 34% of the people engaged in sports betting, while 33% of participants played poker machines, also known as ‘pokies.’ One of the most popular forms are progressive jackpot pokies.

Out of the people who said they gambled in 2022, they typically placed stakes on about two different things. However, about 23% of the people said they bet on six or more different things. These data largely determined and influenced current trends in Australian gambling rules.

Australia’s National Consumer Protection Framework for Online Wagering

Out of concern for the growing number of bettors in the nation, the Australian Government implemented the National Framework. This aims to provide basic consumer protections for those who engage in online gambling and applies to all licenced operators. That said, here are the ten measures, in no particular order:

  • Account closure
  • Activity reports
  • Staff hiring/training
  • Voluntary opt-out pre-commitment scheme
  • National self-exclusion register
  • Consistent gambling messaging
  • Prohibition of line credit
  • Customer verification
  • Restrictions on Inducements
  • Payday Lenders

Account Closure

It is the responsibility of online sites to make the account closure process obvious to players. With this, it’s easy for problem bettors to initiate the procedure. Once they opt for account closure, the process should start immediately. The framework notes that there should be no move from the providers to convince customers to keep their accounts active.

Activity Reports

Consumers may get a better understanding of their spending patterns, successes, and failures through activity statements. As such, establishments are expected to provide consumers with their activity statements monthly to give them insights into their gambling behaviour. It should include information split into segments like amount spent, opening and closing balances, payments made, and more.

Staff Hiring/Training

Employees in the online gambling sector will be required to undergo proper training on how to facilitate online wagering. Besides promoting responsible practices among betting establishments, it provides the person with enough details to deal with compulsive bettors. Even after the training, there must be annual refresher courses to keep staff members updated with the latest trends in the industry. 

Voluntary Opt-Out Pre-Commitment Scheme

All online gambling providers must provide the option to implement deposit limits before players begin their sessions. Such inclusions cushion the negative effects of placing stakes by preventing the user from paying more than a certain amount on the platform. 

In addition to deposit restrictions, players should also be able to limit other functions, like the amount and time they spend. Even if they want to lift these restrictions, the operator must take up to seven days to process it. 

National Self-Exclusion Register

The National Self-Exclusion Register lets people in Australia exclude themselves from all online gambling services using their BetStop feature. Registering is a simple and fast process.

Individuals will have the option to opt out of participating in any interactive gambling services. They will also receive no direct marketing messages for a minimum of 3 months or even for their entire lifetime, depending on their preference. 

Consistent Gambling Messaging

It is important for all online gambling providers to communicate consistently regarding the risks and potential harm associated with gambling. This message is to be sent via multiple means: advertising, direct marketing, websites, and other mediums. 

Such details also keep players on their feet, with the understanding betting better be under control. 

Prohibition of Line of Credit

Online gambling service providers are generally not allowed to offer credit to individuals who gamble on their website or application. On-course bookies that also provide interactive wagering services are exempt from this rule. These are the operators that you’ll find at the location where sporting events are taking place. 

Customer Verification

The time allocated for customer verification has been shortened from 14 days to just 3 days. Shorter verification procedures make it possible to quickly identify underage players and those who are at risk. 

While registering, players usually have to provide their details during the KYC (know your customer) procedure. The website can ask for ID, card details, and contact number. It’s compulsory, especially if you aim to get the World’s Biggest Jackpot.

Restrictions on Inducements

The framework eliminated all forms of inducing offers that aren’t part of the site’s bonus system. Online gambling providers are prohibited from giving any incentives for people to create an account. There are no offers for players to refer others to create an account either. 

Payday Lenders

Payday lenders are financial institutions that provide short-term loans to individuals. To better protect consumers, it is proposed to limit the use of small credit contracts for online gambling purposes. The paper also noted that providers should not encourage customers to borrow money to finance their activities. 


With these regulations in place, the risk of addiction is reduced. While it might not completely eliminate the problem, it gives players better control of their habits. It’s worth noting that the landscape is constantly evolving, and more rules might be established in the future. As such, always remain updated with betting regulations to learn if there are any relevant changes.