Misconceptions about Hepatitis, or How to Stay Healthy

Hepatitis is an inflammatory process that affects the liver. In most cases, infection occurs through blood, less often through other means. With information about everything on the Internet, including Levus Cazino, you can find many medical articles on the subject. Rarely the disease goes away on its own without symptoms or consequences. But more often, it develops, fraught with scarring, cirrhosis and, worst of all, cancer. Hepatitis is caused by five different viruses: A, B, C, D, E. If any signs are potential symptoms of hepatitis, you should see a medical professional immediately and get tested to detect the disease and begin treatment as soon as possible.

Hepatitis B and C are the most dangerous, as they lead to a chronic inflammatory process and irreversible liver changes. Therefore, it is essential to prevent, detect and treat the disease in time, taking it as seriously as the responsible gambling offered by Club Lev. However, some people are convinced that hepatitis affects only specific segments of society. Or believe that the disease can not be treated. The condition can affect everyone, but timely competent therapy can overcome it.

Misconception No. 1: the vaccine will not help

Even nowadays, the issue of vaccination is controversial in many countries – in the sense that many people do not believe in the effectiveness and benefits of vaccinations. It also applies to immunization against hepatitis B. The vaccine was created in 1963, and in six decades of proven vaccination, it has saved millions of people from potential morbidity, complications and death.

The B-hepatitis vaccine, which is on the list of mandatory vaccines:

  • eliminates the spread of the pathogen in the body;
  • prevents chronic irreversible processes in the liver;
  • contains the most negative outcomes.

A person vaccinated is protected for at least two decades and sometimes – for life.

Misconception #2: treatment has complex consequences

Recently, hepatitis therapy was indeed tricky and had several side effects. Treatment lasted a minimum of 12 months and hurt overall health. But nowadays, things have changed drastically. Patients can access new medications and medical technologies that provoke no additional reactions. All that can happen is a feeling of rapid fatigue, dizziness or headache.

Misconception #3: It is impossible to get rid of the virus

This opinion is not scientifically substantiated in any way. There is a unique scheme according to which hepatitis is treated. It makes it possible to successfully cope with the causative agent and the consequences that it has caused to the body. On average, therapy lasts from 12 to 24 weeks, which depends on the degree of neglect and severity of the disease. There is no vaccine against C-hepatitis, but timely detection of the disease and timely treatment bring positive results.

Misconception #4: Hepatitis affects specific segments of society

Society, even today, stigmatizes the disease. Often people believe that hepatitis – is the fate of only drug addicts, prisoners and similar “fallen” categories of society. Misconceptions about the viruses that cause the disease lead people to take the potential risks lightly. Anyone can get hepatitis, regardless of age, gender or profession. The pathogen does not choose its victim according to social criteria but enters the body due to ignorance and hygiene neglect.

Misconception #5: immunity after virus A protects against all others

A person who has survived hepatitis A forms a stable immunity. But exclusively to hepatitis A. The immune system will not protect the body from other pathogens that provoke hepatitis of different types.

Avoiding the disease is easy if you follow its simple prevention requirements. In any case, it will be manageable once a year to be examined by a doctor and take a 15-minute test. With a positive result, it is necessary to start therapy immediately. Treatment with modern drugs will help to cope with the disease and lead a whole life.