How to choose the best sport for yourself?

A group of scientists from the American Institute of Physical Culture has long been following the training of various focus groups and concluded that sports are correlated with a person’s blood group. In their opinion, the lack of desired results in anyone who wants to lose weight or get in shape can be explained not by their lack of effort but by the wrong kind of sport.

One people are participating in sports, and other people are watching. So, for example, if one person chooses to play Online Cricket Bet, another person signs up for a cricket master class. And if you decide to act, then our article is for you!

Group one

For people of this blood group, the main thing is a smooth transition from easy to complex and the absence of monotonous training. For carriers of the first group, martial arts such as judo and karate would be suitable. After that, it is possible to change the complexity and start strength exercises or completely change the vector of movement.

Group two

The carriers of this blood group are usually much more active than the others, which is why they prefer to exercise every day, allotting just one day off a week. But it is better to reduce the intensity of the load so as not to overdo it and get injured. Therefore, fitness, yoga, stretching, dancing, or team sports like soccer, volleyball, and others would be excellent for the representatives of the second group.

Group three

People with this blood type like to alternate between vigorous training and rest, so alternating workouts is ideal. One day you can do strength exercises, and the next day – aerobics. The carriers of the third group appreciate individual training, so researchers suggest that they take up swimming, gymnastics, or tennis. Such people should take advantage of their excellent stamina and emphasize cardio exercises: brisk walking, running, and cycling.

Group four

People with blood group four are considered unique because any exercise suits them. Their stamina and persistence allow them to achieve any results, which is why many famous athletes have this blood type. But among these people, some are interested in something other than active sports. In this case, swimming, yoga, and pilates can be suggested.

What makes sports interesting?

But it can’t be compared to the excitement of an actual footballer during the World Cup, where the adrenaline bubbles like a volcano in the blood of every athlete. In addition, for every match won, he gets hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Agree; it usually motivates me to play well and give all the rest to the beloved and exciting sport. But unfortunately, although we don’t want the sport to bring frequent injuries, otherwise it also loses some of its original meaning.

The best sport should be something everyone should be able to play, so we will initially discuss sports that anyone can play, regardless of gender or age, that do not require inadequate capital investment.

Tennis or badminton (any sport with a racket)

According to scientists, tennis, squash, and badminton are the most beneficial to health: constant movement makes the heart, lungs, and muscles work all the time. According to a study, playing racquet sports reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 56%. That’s more than any other sport.


Aerobics is anything that involves low-intensity, sustained physical activity. It can include dancing, gymnastics, and light jogging. According to scientists, such physical activity can reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 36%.

Our findings show that it’s essential to do more than just exercise. But first, you need to know what kind of exercise can affect your health.

Aerobic exercise is appropriate for young and old alike. However, long walks are a great alternative to such activity if you need more time to ride a bike or sign up for a dance club.


Swimming classes are suitable for a full-body workout, when only the muscles work and the joints rest. Harvard scientists believe swimming can help you lose weight and strengthen your cardiovascular system. In addition, swimming is an excellent sport for those recovering from injuries or surgery because the risk of suffering damage is shallow. According to researchers, swimming can reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 41%.


Scientists say riding a bicycle makes your abdominal, arm, and shoulder muscles work, improves your sense of balance, and helps you develop joint flexibility—moreover, the constant pedaling causes the production of endorphins, the hormones of happiness.

According to studies, cycling can help prolong life by 15%. Scientists also found that cycling to work can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.


This sport has long taken root at home. How to practice it – there are a lot of options. First, many apps offer a set of asanas for every day. Second, it’s easy to find a YouTube channel with yoga classes for every level. 

Yoga can be a great addition to any other workout – it’s a good warm-up before boxing and strength training and an excellent introduction to running or skiing. It helps to warm up your muscles and calm your mind.


You can, of course, go out for a run in the yard or park if you’re sure you can keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters from passersby. But what if you want to refrain from unnecessary contact? Or if the weather is not conducive to jogging?

Of course, the easiest option is to buy a treadmill. With it, you can run at any time of the year and will cease to depend on the weather and, even more so, viruses.

However, only some are ready to spend money on a track, especially if it is unplanned. And in this case, there is a way out!

Make a running-in-place training plan for yourself, such as this:

  • Run in place for three minutes at a moderate pace.
  • Then, go to maximum speed – move your feet so fast that they barely have time to touch the floor! Do this for one minute.
  • Go back to a moderate pace for another minute.
  • Now run, trying to raise your knee as high as possible (at least 90 degrees) for one minute.
  • Now you need to hit your buttocks with your heel as you run! 
  • And again, run for a minute at a moderate pace.
  • Place a jump rope (or something similar) in front of you and start running, taking small steps diagonally across the rope – back and forth. And back again! Do it until you get tired of it.
  • If you still think running at home without a treadmill is impossible, read the story of the French athlete who ran a marathon on his balcony!

Strength training.

Push-ups, barbell and dumbbell presses, pull-ups, etc. – If you are used to weighting training at the gym, there is no reason not to do it, even during a quarantine. Set up your gym at home! What will you need for this? It depends on your goals.

One of the essential pieces of equipment is a dumbbell. They are affordable, and you most likely already have them. The best option when buying one is a set with an adjustable weight of 20 pounds, which will help you gradually build strength and increase the load. A group also includes a barbell – a total weight of 50 kg.