How much weed would you be able to get from growing one plant?

Published: 12/March/2021

As states legitimize weed and the plant turns out to be more acknowledged, more individuals are evaluating their green thumbs by developing their own weed at home. Most states with lawful weed permit one individual to grow six plants at their home and a whole family to grow 12 plants. Some permit less, and some permit more.

So, how much actual cannabis can you smoke from dried buds? An ounce? A pound? Two pounds? The problem is that cannabis plants don’t all grow to be the same size, and numerous factors determine how big a plant grows and how dense its buds grow.

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We have gone through those elements and talked a smidgen about the gather cycle to assess how much weed you can get from one plant But If you buy marijuana seeds from a well reputed online store.

How much bud from one weed plant?

Many variables influence how large a plant gets, yet as a rule, on the off chance that you are growing a sound plant, you can anticipate these yields from one weed plant:

  • Outside plant: around 224g
  • Indoor plant: around 112g

Note that these are gauges. Plants can grow enormously outside because they aren’t constrained by space—a natural process normal to draw nearer to a pound a plant or more.

When creating inside, you’re routinely limited by space—a plant can’t get as huge in a foster tent as in a significant, open tornado shelter. You’re additionally restricted by how strong your developed light is. For instance, Leafly supervisor David Downs reaped 150g from one indoor plant with one 200W Black Dog LED light. The organization said that light maximizes around a half-pound of buds, or 224g.

Additionally, these evaluations are for sound plants. Assuming a plant becomes supplement lacking, gets bugs or form, or doesn’t get sufficient light, expect much less.

How long will one plant of weed last you?

According to United Strains of America , the enormous amount your plant gets, you’ll probably have more blooms than you know how to manage. Many individuals will save a specific measure of blossom for smoking, and make edibles, concentrates, and other weed items with the remainder of their reap.

Consider how much weed you smoke in 24 hour or in a month. For reference, a gram is around two medium joints or 3-4 dishes. Do you smoke a gram daily or for seven days? Two grams every day or seven days?

Utilizing the above yield gauge of ¼ lb., or 112 grams, for one medium-to-enormous measured indoor plant, assuming you smoke one gram daily, that one plant would last you 112 days, or just shy of four months! Two grams daily would last you just shy of two months, and a large portion of a gram daily—or an eighth every week—would last you eight months.

This will assist with providing you with a feeling of the number of plants you ought to develop. Assuming you’re developing inside, you can grow each plant in turn, collect it, and start another, keeping a constant pattern of developing.

In the case of developing outside, you may just get one reap a year.

Factors that decide a weed plant’s yield

How much dried buds you collect from a weed plant is considered its yield, very much like any harvest, like corn, wheat, natural product, and so forth Preferably, when developing weed, you need significant returns and great buds. Getting the two takes a little practice.

A weed plant will lose around 75% of its weight to dampness misfortune and managing in the wake of being chopped down. A lot of dampness leaves the plant during the drying system, and managing eliminates every one of the stems, branches, fan leaves, and trim from the plant.

So assuming you gauge a newly cut plant at three pounds, don’t become excessively invigorated—you’ll probably get ¾ lb. of completed buds (which is still a great deal of weed).

A major plant doesn’t really mean large yields, as buds can be flimsy and wispy. A medium-sized plant with quality, thick nugs could yield in excess of a six-foot tree. Likewise, on the off chance that developing various plants, they can develop over one another and conceal another out, decreasing yields. Make a point to establish a lot of room.

Some central point that add to a weed plant’s yield include:

  • Strain/hereditary qualities
  • Develop term
  • Light
  • Environment
  • Soil type/sum

Strain/hereditary qualities

Certain weed strains become huge or tall or are high-yielders basically in view of their hereditary qualities. Customarily, indicas develop short and bold, and sativas develop tall and thin. That is not in every case valid no matter how you look at it, yet it is a decent guideline.

For instance, Lemon Skunk is broadly a tall, lean strain, so you’re probably going to get significant returns from it. Blue Dream and Chemdog are likewise known for their significant returns.

Beside its candy-like flavor, Runtz gets its name since its buds develop little, similar to the half-pint of the litter. It may very well be a low-yielder, yet you’ll generally get great buds.

Development term

How long you permit a plant to develop, or the period of time from seed germination to gathering, is perhaps the main factor deciding weed yield. Assuming you begin developing seeds in March rather than May, those plants will have an additional two months to grow.

When developing outside, the nearby environment is the primary deciding element of when you can place seeds in the ground. A few locales are too cold to even think about putting plants outside until May, yet you can begin developing plants inside with the right arrangement.

A few locales get downpour from the get-go in the fall, so you’ll need to develop plants that are prepared to reap by the start of October. In heat and humidities, you can basically develop weed outside throughout the entire year.

When developing inside, development length is dictated by how much space you need to work with. In the event that you have a roomy storm cellar or shed, you can allow plants to develop for quite a long time and get as large as you need prior to driving them to blossom. Assuming space is tight, as in a develop tent or other little regions, you may simply have the option to allow your plants to get a couple of feet tall.


How much light a plant gets is a profound factor. When developing outside, everything relies upon where a plant is situated to get the most light all through the whole season. Weed plants like full sun—somewhere around six hours of direct daylight consistently. In the event that a plant is in the shade or gets concealed as the light changes all through the season, it can influence yields.

Inside, it relies upon how strong your light is. A little 200W LED is extraordinary for a little tent, yet you’ll require something greater for a greater space, which additionally implies a more costly light.

Make certain to prune your plants to eliminate dead leaves and buds, and branches that won’t transform into sizable buds. Getting out plant matter will permit the quality buds to get all the more light.


Weed normally loves warm, mild environments—consider Northern California’s Emerald Triangle area—however certain strains flourish in various temperatures. Generally, indicas like chilly, dry environments and sativas like warm, muggy environments.

Unexpected outrageous changes in temperature can influence a plant’s development and yields, for example, an abrupt chilly spell, which can slow a plant’s development, or a heatwave, which can dry out a plant.

Soil type/amount

Various soils have distinctive supplement levels and a few supplements can advance plant development. You can likewise add supplements to soil or water to assist plants with developing further.

Moreover, if filling in compartments, the size of the holder, or how much soil the plant’s underlying foundations have, will influence the size of a plant. Filling in excessively little of a pot can stunt a plant’s development.

Filling straightforwardly in the ground will give your plant’s foundations a lot of room, yet you might have to add supplements relying upon the dirt’s quality.