Peppa Pig is a popular children’s animated show that features a pig named Peppa, her brother George, and their parents. The show follows their daily adventures as a family and has been airing since 2004. However, there is a dark and disturbing fan theory that claims that Peppa Pig and her friends are actually dead and that the show is a hallucination of Grandma Pig, who is a schizophrenic.
Peppa Pig’s Tragic Death
According to the fan theory, which was posted on Wattpad by a user named animegeek00, Peppa Pig was never a healthy child and spent most of her life in a hospital bed. One night, her parents decided to euthanize her by injecting her with poison while she was asleep. This caused Peppa to dream of being a fairy as her last wish.
The Suicide of Daddy Pig
Daddy Pig, who was a structural engineer, could not cope with the guilt of killing his daughter and became depressed. He also had to deal with George’s constant questions about Peppa’s whereabouts. One day, he snapped and stabbed Mummy Pig and George to death before killing himself with the same knife.
The Schizophrenia of Grandma Pig
Grandma Pig, who was widowed after Grandpa Pig died in a freak accident involving Peppa’s tree house, was the only surviving member of the Pig family. However, she was also a drug addict and a schizophrenic who suffered from hallucinations. She imagined that her loved ones were alive and well and that they lived in a colorful world full of talking animals.
She told her friend Patrik, who was a showbiz producer, about her fantasies and he decided to turn them into a cartoon show called Peppa Pig. He also changed some details to make the show more appealing to children, such as making Peppa and George younger and adding more characters.
The Deaths of Peppa’s Friends
The fan theory also claims that Peppa’s friends were also based on dead children that Grandma Pig knew or heard of. For example:
– Suzy Sheep was run over by a truck while riding her bike and died instantly. She wanted to be a nurse when she grew up, which is why she is often seen wearing a nurse costume in Grandma Pig’s hallucinations.
– Danny Dog drowned in a storm while sailing with his grandfather, who was burned to death by lightning. His mother was killed by a malfunctioning car at the garage where she worked.
– Rebecca Rabbit died of starvation after her parents abandoned her and her siblings in the woods. She developed an obsession with carrots as a result.
– Zoe Zebra was mauled by a lion at the zoo where her father worked as a zookeeper. She developed stripes on her skin as a sign of trauma.
– Pedro Pony died of asthma after being allergic to hay. He always wore glasses and had a wheezy voice in Grandma Pig’s hallucinations.
The Conclusion
The fan theory ends by saying that Grandma Pig eventually died of old age and that the show Peppa Pig was canceled after Patrik revealed the truth behind it. The theory also suggests that the show’s theme song is actually Grandma Pig’s funeral song and that the ending credits are her obituary.
The fan theory is obviously not true and has no official confirmation from the creators of Peppa Pig. It is just a creepy and imaginative story that some fans came up with to ruin the childhoods of others. Peppa Pig is still a fun and innocent show for kids and adults alike.