Ante-natal Period
A hydrocele is the swelling in the scrotum area, which needs to be checked by a doctor. Excess amounts of fluid build up inside the scrotum, resulting in this condition. It is a common condition in most newborns, though it can happen in adults as well.
At first this may sound or look like a serious ailment, even painful by visual, but it won’t hurt your baby, as is suggested by the best hydrocele surgeons in Kolkata. This is something that can fade away on its own with time. If however, there are no signs of relief you should see the doctor about it and take needed medication.
Common Causes of Hydrocele
A hydrocele can begin even before the birth of a child in the womb of the mother. The testicles first form inside the belly and then shift downwards into their scrotum by way of a short tunnel. A sac of fluid moves to each of the testicles. In most cases, as generally happens, the tunnel and the sac seal off before birth is given, and the baby’s body absorbs the fluid before coming out into the world. When this process is hindered and does not occur naturally as it should, a hydrocele condition can occur. A baby suffering from hydrocele may not be in as much pain as it looks on the outside.
Kinds of Hydrocele:
There are two kinds of hydrocele:
- Non-Communicating Hydrocele
A non-communicating hydrocele occurs when the sac closes like usual, but the baby boy’s body doesn’t lock-in the fluid. The swelling is less as compared to the other type and not very major visually.
- Communicating Hydrocele
A communicating hydrocele, on the other hand, occurs when the sac does not seal on the end. With this type, their scrotum may swell more over time as compared to the first type. It appears more severe on visuals. Baby boys who are born prematurely are more likely to have a hydrocele.
Treatment of Hydrocele
As suggested by the best hydrocele surgeons in Kolkata, a hydrocele generally fades away on its own within one year of the birth of the child. If you feel that it is not fading away and getting bigger instead, the doctor will refer your case to a specialist called a urologist.
If, however, your son is suffering from communicating hydrocele, the pediatrician will generally recommend surgery at the earliest and not wait further for the natural fading away.
The doctor will perform a minor operation to remove the hydrocele, known as a hydrocelectomy. Extra care is needed to be taken post-surgery. You’ll need to keep the area clean and dry for your baby. The doctor and team will help you with what steps to take for the baby to heal quicker.
Your baby boy will get a local numbing agent from the doctor to ease the pain, or anesthesia will be given. The surgeon will then cut off the area, drain the excessive fluid, then stitch the area back.
FAQ: What are the Complications Associated with Hydrocele?
Most of the time, a hydrocele isn’t associated with long-term complications in life, such as pregnancy. But at some times, the occurrence of a hydrocele might mean there’s some serious underlying health condition that needs to be addressed at the earliest, such as: Infection or tumor. These could reduce sperm production or function, perhaps trauma or inguinal hernia. This happens when a loop of intestine sticks out through a weak spot in the abdominal wall and gets trapped. This can cause dangerous complications.
There are no known preventive steps that can be taken to avoid hydrocele in babies. But it can be prevented in teens, where a leading cause is injuries related to sports and otherwise. When you feel the hydrocele is not going away on its own, you must get in touch with your doctor at the earliest.