Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun is a popular manga and anime series that follows the adventures of Nene Yashiro, a high school girl who becomes the assistant of Hanako, the seventh and most famous mystery of Kamome Academy. Hanako is a ghost who haunts the girls’ bathroom and grants wishes for a price. But who is Hanako and how old is he really? Here are some facts you may not know about the mysterious ghost.
Hanako’s Real Name and Age
Hanako’s real name is Yugi Amane, and he was a student at Kamome Academy in the 1950s. He died at the age of 13, allegedly by participating in a family suicide with his twin brother, Tsukasa. However, the truth behind his death is still unclear and shrouded in mystery.
Hanako has been haunting the school for over 50 years, but he still retains his appearance and personality from when he was alive. He is short, with choppy black hair and amber eyes that resemble crescent moons. He wears the old Kamome Academy uniform, a black gakuran with gold buttons, white collar and red hems, a white shirt underneath, black shoes, and red socks. He also wears a black hat with a gold emblem and red strings, and a white seal on his left cheek with the kanji for “seal”.
Hanako’s Powers and Duties
As the seventh mystery of Kamome Academy, Hanako has various powers and duties that he must fulfill. He can grant wishes to those who summon him by knocking on the third stall of the third floor girls’ bathroom in the old school building, but he always asks for a suitable price in return. The price can be anything from a personal item to a part of one’s soul.
Hanako also has command over two haku-joudai, white fire-like orbs that assist him in monitoring and fighting other supernaturals. He can summon a cloak that grants him immunity to exorcism lightning, a weapon used by exorcists to purge ghosts. He can also levitate, induce sleep, and erase memories.
Hanako’s duty as the seventh mystery is to maintain the balance between the human and spirit worlds by regulating the other six mysteries of Kamome Academy. He also protects Nene from harm and helps her with her problems.
Hanako’s Personality and Relationships
Hanako is a playful, mischievous, and sometimes childish ghost who likes to tease Nene and make fun of her. He is also very curious about the modern world and enjoys trying new things. He has a sweet tooth and loves donuts, especially strawberry ones.
However, Hanako also has a darker side to him. He can be ruthless, violent, and manipulative when dealing with his enemies or those who threaten his secrets. He has a lot of guilt and regret over his past actions and tries to atone for them by helping others. He also fears being forgotten or replaced by someone else.
Hanako has a complex relationship with his twin brother, Tsukasa, who is also a ghost but much more malicious and sadistic than him. Hanako loves Tsukasa but also hates him for what he did to him when they were alive and what he continues to do as a ghost. Hanako tries to avoid Tsukasa as much as possible but sometimes has to confront him.
Hanako’s closest friend is Nene Yashiro, who becomes his assistant after making a contract with him. Hanako cares deeply for Nene and often saves her from danger or grants her wishes. He also develops romantic feelings for her over time and becomes jealous when she shows interest in other boys. Nene also likes Hanako but is unsure about her feelings for him.
Hanako also has some allies among the other mysteries of Kamome Academy, such as Kou Minamoto, an exorcist who initially tries to exorcise him but later becomes his friend; Tsuchigomori, an old teacher who knew Hanako when he was alive; Mitsuba Sousuke, another ghost who becomes Kou’s assistant; Natsuhiko Hyuuga, a former student council president who helps Nene; Sakura Nanamine, a radio host who spreads rumors about the mysteries; Akane Aoi, Nene’s classmate who has a crush on her; Aoi Akane, Akane’s ancestor who is the fourth mystery; and Sumire, a mermaid who is the second mystery.
Hanako is a fascinating character who has a lot of secrets and mysteries surrounding him. He is not just a simple ghost who grants wishes, but a complex and conflicted person who has a tragic past and a hopeful future. He is the heart and soul of Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun, and one of the reasons why the series is so popular and beloved by many fans.