What is a blind signature?

If you have ever indulged in electronic voting, you probably have an idea about the blind signature. Blind signature has also been considered the same as digital currencies and can be helpful in the long run. 

No one has an idea about if senders and recipients are verified. All these transactions are conducted using a blind signature. At the same time, it is necessary to understand how each of these elements works and how they can be applied in the real world. 

Blind signatures have helped verify cryptocurrency transactions and votes. Blind people can also esign documents. It is necessary to keep a check on the basics and utilize these accordingly to get the benefits. 

What are blind signatures? 

Blind signature is a concept of cryptography. According to this technology, a digital signature is made to ensure that the main content is disguised. It needs to be verified publically to get the actual regular distance signature. The blind signatures are mainly used to meet the privacy-related protocols. The author and signing partner are two different authorities. It can either be used in voting or cryptocurrency networks. 

Blind signatures play an essential role in providing unlinkability. Therefore, it is necessary to access an unblinded version to get all the details. 

David Chaum initially developed the blind signature in 1982. These function depending on the public key digital signature schemes, which is also referred to as RSA. It is necessary to promote communication between two parties for the encryption of the network. Furthermore, it is also required to determine the decryption of the network. Again, all the information is secured using a digital signature. 

The blind signature further plays a vital role in binding and disguising the content. As a result, a message needs to be signed. It may appear as a regular digital signature, but it can be helpful too for maintaining verification. 

Blind signature in cryptocurrency transactions

Cryptocurrencies are meant to enhance the privacy of users. It is necessary to understand the concept of the same. The entire working of blind signatures in cryptocurrency was mentioned in the “The Dining cryptographers problem: unconditional sender and recipient untraceability.” It was in this article that, for the first time, the mention of the public key was made. 

If you’re creating secure blind signatures, it is necessary to use high-quality crypto engine. Before understanding the functioning of blind signatures, it is also essential to understand the working of public keys in the cryptography sector. 

With the help of a public key, all the information is stored in a random string of numbers. The private key further helps to determine the validity of the public key. If you have a private key, you can generate a public key. However, if you have a public key, you will not generate a private key. 

In the cryptography world, a blind signature works like a digital signature. However, it is necessary to secure the message to hide the message carefully. 

What are the uses of blind signatures?

The blind signature scheme can be used in a wide range of applications. If the user’s privacy is crucial, it is necessary to follow blind signatures carefully. At the same time, it can be used in digital cash and voting protocols. 

The integrity of an electronic voting system is used extensively in blind signatures. This plays a vital role in preserving the privacy of the user, authority, and voting candidate. The authority will be able to prevent any complications in the voting society. The un-blinded ballots can be used for extensive counting purposes. 


While RSA is beneficial, there are certain risks involved too. The blinding attack can, however, pave the way for problems in security. It is necessary to encrypt the keys across different platforms to ensure better encryption of messages. Experts recommend securing messages with a blind signature to protect your transaction in blockchain and crypto platforms.