5 Ingredients That Help Boost Testosterone Levels in Men

Testosterone is a crucial hormone for men. As well as impacting libido and sperm count, testosterone levels have been found to impact the production of red blood cells, muscle mass, strength, fat distribution, and mood. 

As men age, testosterone production slows, and this can sometimes lead to a deficiency. The negative health impacts of a testosterone deficiency are one of the main reasons that testosterone boosters and supplements are now widely available.

However, there are also ingredients found in common supplements and health foods that can promote the increase of testosterone production. Including these in your daily routine can support testosterone production, and aid in the performance of testosterone boosters and treatments.

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5 Testosterone Boosting and Supporting Ingredients to Add to Your Routine

Some of these testosterone boosting ingredients can be found in nutrient-rich foods, while others are best gained via supplements. Many of them are included in testosterone boosters and treatments in some ways, too. 

Whether they directly encourage testosterone production, or combat testosterone destroying substances and hormones (for example, those produced as a result of stress), they can all positively impact testosterone production in a natural way.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an incredibly important substance for overall health, and it impacts the production of testosterone in the male body. Known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’, vitamin D is naturally synthesized when the skin is exposed to the sun. Likewise, it is found in fatty fish, egg yolks, dairy, and many other high-protein foods.

Despite this, vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies. This deficiency can be caused by lack of sunlight in climates far from the equator, as a result of lifestyle, or because of medical conditions. Those with darker skin are also at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency because higher melanin levels inhibit vitamin D synthesis from sunlight alone. 

Eating foods high in vitamin D or taking supplements will contribute to overall health, as well as testosterone production.


As a part of the adaptogen category of supplements – meaning that it can ward off the adverse effects of extreme or prolonged stress – ashwagandha can protect and promote testosterone production in the body.

Several studies have shown that ashwagandha can increase testosterone in both infertile men and those with low testosterone levels, but it has also been shown to be effective in multiple situations. This is unusual in natural testosterone boosting ingredients, making ashwagandha potent for those who have testosterone levels within the normal range as well.

D-Aspartic Acid

D-Aspartic Acid (or DAA) is incredibly important for testosterone production and is often found in testosterone boosters because of this. It is unlikely that you will be able to get enough DAA to make a difference via dietary changes; supplements will likely be necessary to increase your DAA levels sufficiently.

This is a powerhouse ingredient for those with low testosterone, and it has been found to temporarily increase testosterone levels in those with low testosterone and/or fertility issues. However, it can have an adverse effect on those with normal or higher than normal levels. As such, you should only take DAA supplements if you have been confirmed as having low levels of testosterone or fertility issues.


While Boron is not considered an essential mineral like calcium or iron, it does have a recommended daily intake. Boron deficiency is uncommon, but when one is present, it can limit testosterone production. Naturally found in avocados, parsley, and apple juice, this micronutrient has a small effect on testosterone production on its own.

What makes boron worthy of inclusion on this list is the fact that supplementing your intake of this micronutrient can mitigate the testosterone limiting impact of other deficiencies (e.g., a magnesium deficiency, which is far more common).


Zinc is a highly beneficial micronutrient found in many foods, including red meat, eggs, nuts, and beans. If you don’t eat these foods regularly, it is possible that you may have a zinc deficiency. Low zinc consumption has a limiting effect upon testosterone. This means that increasing your intake could improve your body’s ability to produce testosterone by itself.

Furthermore, zinc is crucial to the conversion of cholesterol into healthy hormones. A zinc deficiency could impact your body and its ability to maintain healthy testosterone levels in many ways. If you have trouble getting enough zinc from your diet alone, you can use easily accessible supplements.

These ingredients may not resolve severe testosterone production issues, especially if low levels are the result of a medical condition, but they can certainly support increased production and supplement medical treatments while increasing your overall health.